Rufus & his Dad: THE BAND

Also known as “The Tumbling Dice”, Rufus & his Dad Erik are more than just the average cover band. To me and to their followers, they are much more. This Father and Son duo embody the beautiful connection of our generation and those of our parents. Taking music of a past era and proving it still is very much alive even despite 60 years of evolution is the ultimate definition of old school cool. 

True to the roots of original rock and roll bands like The Rolling Stones and Creedence Clearwater Revival, they perform their music at local venues in Amsterdam for a younger generation where live instruments are little to be seen anymore. The audience expecting sick bass drops and synthesizers are admittedly caught a bit off guard at first. But with the band’s authentic rockstar energy and overall musical talent, no crowd is too hard to get pumped up. And it’s guaranteed by the end of the show, everyone in the room, young or old, will be bouncing off the walls.